Marie Mulvey-Roberts is an Associate Professor in English literature and Reader in Literary Studies at the University of the West of England, UWE Bristol. She is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of the journal Women’s Writing and has published widely in the area of Gothic and gender. Amongst her many edited books are The Handbook to the Gothic (rvd 2009) and Literary Bristol: Writers and the City (2015) and monographs, including Dangerous Bodies: Historicising the Gothic Corporeal (2015). She is editor of The Arts of Angela Carter: A Cabinet of Curiosities (MUP, 2019) and co-editor of Angela Carter’s Pyrotechnics: A Union of Contraries (with Charlotte Crofts) (Bloomsbury, 2022)
She has contributed chapters relating to Angela Carter in The Female Gothic collections of essays and is editing a book called The Arts of Angela Carter: A Cabinet of Curiosities for Manchester University Press. She is the co-curator of Strange Worlds: The Vision of Angela Carter, the first art exhibition on the work of Angela Carter, at the Royal West Academy in Bristol which commemorates the twenty fifth anniversary of her death in 1992.
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